Cowes Primary School

When applying for a grant under Wightlink’s Green Fund for Schools, Cowes Primary told us:
“We want to transform an unused woodland area adjacent to our carpark on the school property, creating an area both richer in biodiversity and available for Forest Schools activities. We will work with the school and community to transform the area from its current state to an area in which both children and nature can thrive.”
“We will follow the guidance from organisations such as the Royal Forestry Society in order to open up some of the overgrown areas to help improve the biodiversity of the area. The children will work in collaboration with staff to maintain the improved nature of the area.”

The school was awarded £779.63 towards their project. This allowed them to purchase tree stumps, wildlife cameras, a bat box, a bird bath, plants and bee nesting boxes, among other items.
We look forward to visiting the school again to look at how the area has progressed.