Wroxall Primary School

Wroxall Primary School was looking to develop a nature garden and vegetable allotment in their outdoor area.
They told us “Our aim is to create an area with raised planters for growing vegetables which will allow children to gain valuable lessons about where their food comes from and to encourage healthy eating habits. We will include areas of wildflower planting to encourage pollinators such as butterflies and bees as well as installing a bug hotel and bird boxes to encourage insects and wildlife. This will provide a range of hands-on learning opportunities as well as nurturing a connection with nature.
We will install water butts and composters to ensure sustainability and teach children about conservation. We have identified an area near some trees within our school field for this project which we feel will attract a range of biodiversity. Groundworks will need to be completed using topsoil and mulch to make the area suitable. The project is being led by one of our learning support assistants who has a clear vision and plan for the area.”

Wroxall Primary School were awarded £710.00 to undertake their project. We caught up with Jessica Steele about their progress:
“I am pleased to confirm the new school garden is taking shape really well. We have named it the Jubilee Garden as it was built over the duration of the late Queen’s Jubilee. Fruits and vegetables have been thriving, we have grown some lovely fragrant lavender and wildlife has been visiting.”

“Over the summer we produced lots of lovely vegetables and Miss Hunnisett used some of them to make a tomato, courgette and mozzarella bake for the children to enjoy. We have also seen some pumpkins coming through ready for Halloween! We are continuing to develop the project with more deep planters due to go in and the bug hotel to build. The children in our after school chill club have loved tending to the garden and all the children enjoy watching the plants grow. Thank you so much for helping us with this project.”