Ventnor Botanic Garden is truly one of the great gardens of Britain. With a stunning selection of over 30,000 rare and subtropical plants, it’s a must-see for any budding botanist.
The exotic selection thrive in a mild Ventnor climate that is more akin to the Mediterranean, with average rainfall of only 28 inches. This means a wide variety of plants considered too tender for much of mainland UK can be grown and nurtured.
An immersive experience, visiting VBG will transport you through a number of landscapes from across the world. You’ll find gorgeous South African treasures, an impressive collection of succulents and cacti and much, much more.
While you’re there, pay a visit to the edulis restaurant and sample the rare fruits, vegetables, micro-herbs and living salads grown in the Garden, all combined with the best local produce. Or, for something lighter, try the Plantation Room Café.
Open all year round, the Garden is dog friendly, with 22 acres through which to roam.