Wightlink remembers a cherished member of staff

Colleagues of a long-serving and respected member of Wightlink’s team in Portsmouth, who died in January, have got together to plant a rose in his memory at the car ferry terminal in Gunwharf Road.

Rodney Lane worked for Wightlink for over 40 years, joining in 1983 as a temporary rating at Ryde Pier, when the company was known as Sealink British Ferries. He gained a permanent contract in 1987 and worked at Lymington before transferring to the Portsmouth car ferry terminal. In recent years, he supported the company with many projects to improve the look and feel of Wightlink’s six ports.

“Rodney is much missed by everyone at Wightlink,” says Portsmouth Port Operator Keith Binns. “As he loved growing red roses, we chose a beautiful variety called ‘In Loving Memory’ so we can remember him every day.”

Keith will be taking part in the Cancer Research UK Race for Life in Portsmouth this June and is fundraising for the charity. He is running in remembrance of his daughter Charzy as well as Rodney Lane and another Wightlink colleague Alison Wiggins. Wightlink has created this link to his page on Just Giving: wight.link/keithrfl

Picture caption Keith Binns and Port Operations Lead James Madden with Rodney Lane’s memorial rose at Wightlink’s Portsmouth port

In Loving Memory of Rodney Lane

February 23 1958 – January 3 2025

Our work colleague

Always true, thoughtful and kind

Wonderful memories, you left behind

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