Three white men stand next to a gold-coloured plaque on an exterior brick wall

Wightlink’s Lymington Terminal celebrates its 30th birthday

It’s thirty years since Lymington’s new-look ferry terminal first opened to passengers.

Round-the-world yachtsman Sir Robin Knox-Johnson officially opened Wightlink’s new terminal in Undershore Road on June 23 1994, after work was completed just before Easter that year. Former Managing Director of Wightlink Mel Williams said it was a day of brilliant sunshine and all the visiting dignitaries and neighbours thought it was a most enjoyable occasion.

Thirty years later, former Technical Director of Sea Containers Properties Brian Terry  – who set up and managed the entire scheme, plus former site-based Clerk of Works  George Hollobone – returned to the port to mark the occasion and see what had changed over the years. This time, the date coincided with Isle of Wight Festival and the ferry terminal and its garden were full of excited music lovers.

The redevelopment project had very tight time-scales, so Brian and George faced challenges to make sure the work was completed by contractors Warings on time, meeting the deadline, without disrupting the ferries that sailed to and from Yarmouth on the Isle of Wight.

Although the outside of the building is largely the same, there have been several changes to the interior, including a larger café.

Wightlink Commercial Director Phil Delaney welcomed Brian, George and Brian’s wife Trish to the terminal: “It was a pleasure to talk about the old days and remember our history,” he says. “We always say our Lymington to Yarmouth route is one of the most beautiful in the country and are sure the opening of our impressive new terminal in 1994 must have delighted our customers.”

Brian says he felt privileged to be asked back by the present management of Wightlink, to celebrate this milestone anniversary: “Although 30 years had elapsed since the main building, (plus all the external works) were finished just before Easter 1994, the structure has stood the test of time and still looks sharp and impressive in appearance.”

For more information

Contact Wightlink’s Duty Media Officer